Looking forward to seeing you soon
The organizing committee
Itamar Giladi & Merav Seifan
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Hagai Shemesh
Tel-Hai College
Dear plant ecologists
We are happy to invite you to the second Plant-Ecology conference
The conference will take place on February 6-7, 2017, in BGU Sde-Boker campus. The conference will include contributed oral and poster sessions as well as a few invited talks.
We aim at creating a friendly, non-formal environment that encourages fruitful discussions. Therefore, in addition to presentations of recent research findings in all fields of plant ecology, we especially encourage presentations that are likely to generate discussions and debates (e.g. novel ideas, literature synthesis).
If you want to recive information and updates about the conference E-mail us at:
A map of the campus
The conference will take place in the Evens auditorium (building 19)
For other questions and comments email: plant.ecology.2017@gmail.com
Feb 6-7, 2017
BGU, Sde-Boker campus