Plant defenses against insect herbivory
Co-chairs: Vered Tzin1 and Moshe Gish2
1 Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
2 Department of Evolutionary and Environmental Biology, University of Haifa
The evolutionary arms race between plants and herbivores has led to complex ecological interactions that play a critical role in most ecosystems. Insect herbivores evolved different strategies to avoid or handle plant
defense mechanisms. Thus, plants in nature are
continuously challenged by diverse insect herbivores
and produce defenses to reduce insect damage and
preserve their fitness. Elucidating these defense
mechanisms is critical for a better understanding of
the ecological interactions between plants and their
insect antagonists. Studying plant defense mechanisms
also plays a key role in agricultural research, where it
facilitats the improvement of plant protection techniques.
During the Plant Ecology 2017 meeting, we will offer:
· A session of plant defenses against insect herbivory.
· A roundtable discussion about future directions in plant defense research.